Car service from Epernay to Charles de Gaulle airport

Booking a private transfer is the best way to get from Epernay to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport . The distance between Epernay and Paris Charles de Gaulle is 144 km (89 miles) and the average travel time from Epernay to Charles de Gaulle airport by car is 1 hour and 40 minutes.

You can select lot of options for your journey. Every sightseeing is on your route and includes recommended hours of stoppage. You will be able to ask for additional time in the next step.


Reims is one of the most populous North Eastern French city containing a number of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Tourists seeking historical monuments will have a lot to see in Reims. If you are a wine lover, you must stop by Reims to admire the uncountable champagne houses that will give you a blast of fun and happiness.


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  • Price : 87 EUR

Trip Summary

Epernay | Paris charles de gaulle airport cdg

Day trip from Epernay to Charles de Gaulle airport
Departure Date:
Departure Time:
Price: 214 EUR
All trips include:
  • Tolls
  • Private driver
  • Water bottles and sweets
Number of Travelers: